
Via a partnership with the Cabrini Institute, LifeCycle develops and supports HRECTrack. The HRECTrack software is tailor-made for Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs), enabling staff to enter and track research projects and their associated researchers and sponsors. It also tracks HREC members and meetings, enables electronic document storage and retrieval and supports reporting functionality, simplifying the ethics and governance requirements of day-to-day HREC management in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research Involving Humans issued by the National Health and Medical Research Council in 2007 together with other relevant federal and state legislation and regulations.AnnouncingHRECTrack

For full details of this great product, check out the HRECTrack website!

CodeGen is a SQL search and code generation tool. By interrogating the metadata of a SQL Server database, CodeGen can represent any SQL object in a common xml structure, enabling xslt transforms to convert these into any desired output. For example, a table can have stored procedures and code objects generated based on its definition. The search functionality within CodeGen enables a phrase or phrases to be found anywhere in the structure/metadata of a SQL database, helping to determine field usage, etc.